Request for Proposal - Consultancy Services for the provision of end of line evaluation of the Boresha project in East Africa (DRC Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia)
RFP Reference no.: KEN-BORESHA-2020-001
The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has received a grant from European Union Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) and hereby invite all qualified consultants to participate in the tendering for the supply of an end of line evaluation of the Boresha project which has been implemented in various areas across Kenya, Somaila and Ethiopia.
The end of line evaluation is to document key achievements, gaps, challenges, lessons, and recommendations for future programming in resilience in volatile context.
DRC therefore kindly invite all interested, eligible & qualified consultants to participate & respond to the tender by submission of bids according to requirements outlined in the tender document package.
RFP issuing date: 12 August 2020
RFP closing date: 31 August 2020, 04.30 pm EAT (East Africa time)
In order to download the full RFP tender package, please click HERE.
Announcement of an open call for proposals for recipients of financial support
Kebele 01, Zone 02 Number 022 Dollo Ado Ethiopia +251 953 366 070 |
Opp. Old town Mosque Old Town Mandera Mandera Kenya [email protected] +254 723 162 825 |
Suuq Mugdi, Luuq Road Dolow Gedo Somalia +252 613 886 666 |
Deadline: 14 February 2019 for 1st round) and 30 July 2019 (for the 2nd round)
Expected duration of participation: 12 months
Maximum amount of financial support for each third party: Euro 5 000 for the “Start your business” component and Euro 10 000 for the “Grow your business” component.
Call identifier: BORESHA/BDG 1 & 2
Language in which proposal should be submitted: English
For more information, download the call advert in English or in Somali.
The application form and the budget template for the application are available in English and in Somali.
More details on the Grant Fund and the application process are also available from the grant brochure in English or in Somali.